Category: Armenian Question

European Parliament urges Turkey to refrain from anti-Armenian propaganda and hate speech, 19 May, 2021

YEREVAN, MAY 19, ARMENPRESS. The European Parliament confirmed a resolution-report on Turkey a while ago, where the institution reaffirms its call for recognizing the Armenian Genocide. The resolution also urges Turkey to refrain from anti-Armenian propaganda and hate speech, ARMENPRESS was informed from the Armenian Embassy in Belgium. The reports also makes a number of …

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Resolution of the House of Representatives № 244 “IN BEHALF OF THE ARMENIANS”, March 7, 1922

Resolution of the House of Representatives № 244 “IN BEHALF OF THE ARMENIANS” (Hearings took place in the Committee on Foreign Affairs, 67 Congress, Second session) (March 7, 1922)  Whereas the Armenians and other Christian peoples of Turkey continue in their evil plight and the refugees are unable to return to their homes; and Whereas …

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Résolution n°244 de la Chambre des Représentants du Congrès des Etats-Unis en soutien aux arméniens, 7 mars 1922

Résolution n°244 de la Chambre des Représentants du Congrès des Etats-Unis en soutien aux arméniens  (elle a été examinée par le Comité aux Affaires Etrangères de la Chambre des Représentants du Congrès, deuxième session du 67e Congrès) (7 mars 1922) Vu que le mauvais sort continue de s’acharner sur les arméniens et les autres peuples …

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ASALA strict warning. Statement of the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA), April 24, 2021

The Armenian people experienced the tragedy of the first Genocide of the 20th century and the loss of their homeland, because, they could not properly comprehend the state mentality of the Turkish enemy – a mentality that included the animal peculiarity of its self-preservation instinct. We could not fully understand that the Turk thinks and acts …

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We remember the lives of all those who died in the Ottoman-era Armenian genocide – Joe Biden, 24 April, 2021

YEREVAN, APRIL 24, ARMENPRESS. U.S. President Joe Biden said in his statement on the 106th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide that the American people remember the lives of all those who died in the Ottoman-era Armenian genocide. ARMENPRESS presents the full text of Biden’s statement. ”Each year on this day, we remember the lives of …

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European Parliament Vice President calls on all EU countries to recognize Armenian Genocide, 24 April, 2021 

EREVAN, APRIL 24, ARMENPRESS. The Vice President of the European Parliament Fabio Massimo Castaldo says the recognition of the Armenian Genocide is significant also in terms of preventing the attempts of autocratic regimes to mystify the truth and fuel polarization in societies. “There are days when more than others remind us of the horrible depths …

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USA President Woodrow Wilson’s Acceptance To The President Of The Supreme Council Of The Allied Powers, November 22, 1920 (Excerpt from the letter)

Mr. President: By action of the Supreme Council taken on April 26th of this year an invitation was tendered to me to arbitrate the question of the boundaries between Turkey and the new state of Armenia. Representatives of the powers signatory on August 10th of this year to the Treaty of Sevres have acquiesced in …

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Articles about Azerbaijan’s anti-Armenian and aggressive policy published in The Washington Times

YEREVAN, MAY 26, ARMENPRESS. Artcile by Aram Hamparian, Executive Director of the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA), titled “Azerbaijan Stands In Way Of Peace”, has been published in The Washington Times on May 24. On May 25 the American newspaper published another article, this time by American-Armenian public figure, human rights advocate Anna Astvatsaturian …

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The Senate of the Czech Republic adopted a Resolution condemning Nazi crimes against humanity and the Armenian Genocide, Katerina Eispurwit, May 20, 2020

The Senate of the Czech Republic adopted a Resolution condemning the crimes of the Nazis against humanity and the Armenian Genocide in 1915 in the Ottoman Empire. At the same time, the Senate pointed out the inadmissibility of killing people on national or religious grounds anywhere in the world. The Resolution was adopted in connection …

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Le Sénat de la République tchèque accepte les crimes nazis contre l’humanité et le projet de loi condamnant le génocide arménien, Katerina Eispurwit, 05-20-2020

May 22, 2020 Lousavor Avedis Le Conseil supérieur du Parlement tchèque a adopté le projet de loi reconnaissant les crimes nazis contre l’humanité et le génocide arménien qui ont eu lieu dans l’Empire ottoman en 1915. Dans le même temps, le Sénat a noté qu’il est inacceptable de tuer des personnes pour des motifs nationaux ou …

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