Category: News

STATEMENT to the UN: “On compensation for material losses suffered by the Armenian people during the First World War”, September 25, 2022

To the United Nations Secretary-General  Mr. Antonio Guterres To Heads of States Permanent Members  of the United Nations Security Council S T A T E M E N T On compensation of material losses suffered by the Armenian people during the First World War We appeal to you to examine and implement the compensation process of …

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US Congressman Seth Moulton: Armenian people will rebuild as they did in the aftermath of genocide, 14:03, 18.04.2024

Congressman Seth Moulton is proud that the US Congress has spoken the truth by recognizing the Armenian Genocide. Moulton stated this at Congress event dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide, as well as to Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. “And I’m proud that President Biden has done so as well. Yet another basic truth is …

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Committee for defense of Artsakh people: Any appointment in occupied Karabakh is illegal, condemnable, 13:09, 09.04.2024

On March 8, 2024, President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan signed a decree appointing a judge and president for the city court in Stepanakert, the capital of the occupied Artsakh Republic. We believe that these appointments harbor far-reaching, sinister intentions aimed at initiating the illegal process of property confiscation and the prosecution of individuals. The Committee …

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On the Illegitimacy of Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan (Regarding Threats and Challenges to the Armenian People and Armenia Resulting from the Activities of Nikol Pashinyan and His Government), April 4, 2024

External actors, along with their internal accomplices, who undermined the management system of the Defense Forces of Artsakh and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia during the last days of the     44-day war, maintained Nikol Pashinyan’s status as Prime Minister of Armenia during the 2021 elections to secure a convenient executor for dismantling the …

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DECLARATION de l’Etat Arménie (République Arménie Occidentale) devant les menaces et défis actuels et perspectives pour un futur dialogue entre les civilisations, les cultures et les religions, 31 маrs 2024

Aujourd’hui nous constatons, sur l’ensemble de la Planète Terre,  l’entière déconstruction des accords de Yalta qui établissaient de nouveaux rapports à la suite de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale dûe à l’action des adeptes du paradigme parasitaire. Puisque la paix de Yalta n’est plus, les fondements sur lesquels s’appuie le monde d’aujourd’hui et de demain sont les …

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APPEAL The State of Armenia (Republic of Western Armenia) on Modern Threats, Challenges, and Vision of the Future, Dialogue of Civilizations, Cultures, and Religions, March 31, 2024

Today, as a result of the activities of adherents to the parasitic paradigm on Planet Earth, the structure of the Yalta world order established following the Second World War has been completely dismantled. With the absence of the Yalta Peace in the contemporary world, the fundamental documents of the Paris Peace Conference and the Decisions of …

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Lemkin Institute: Türkiye has never recognized the Armenian Genocide and continues its pan-Turkic agenda in the Caucasus, 11:57, 03/28/2024

Turkey has never recognized the Armenian Genocide and continues to implement its pan-Turkist agenda in the South Caucasus without encountering opposition from the international community. Elisa von Joden-Forgie, executive director of the Lemkin Institute for the Prevention of Genocide, stated this at the conference “Armenia as a Crossroads of Civilization: Historical and Cultural Connections” on …

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Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues Co-Chairs condemn dangerous rhetoric from Aliyev, 21:16, 19 January 2024

YEREVAN, JANUARY 19, ARMENPRESS. Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues Co-Chairs Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-06), Gus M. Bilirakis (FL-12), David G. Valadao (CA-21), and Adam B. Schiff (CA-30) released a statement on Thursday condemning dangerous statements made by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev in his January 10 interview to local TV networks, laying claim to Armenian …

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Le Sénat français a adopté une résolution exigeant des sanctions contre l’Azerbaïdjan, 21:25, 17 Janvier 2024

EREVAN, 17 JANVIER, ARMENPRESS: Le Sénat français a adopté une résolution demandant des sanctions contre l’Azerbaïdjan avec 336 voix pour et une contre, a déclaré l’ambassade d’Arménie en France dans un communiqué. “Le Sénat français a examiné aujourd’hui la résolution interpartis proposée le 1er décembre 2023, visant à “condamner l’offensive militaire de l’Azerbaïdjan au Haut-Karabagh et …

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‘You’re the real genocide perpetrators,’ Katz tells Erdogan, referencing Armenian genocide, which Israel never recognized, 12 January 2024, 4:17 pm․

Energy Minister Israel Katz signs off on the expansion of natural gas exports to Egypt, August 23, 2023. (via Twitter) ‘You’re the real genocide perpetrators,’ Katz tells Erdogan, referencing Armenian genocide, which Israel never recognized, 12 January 2024, 4:17 pm․ Foreign Minister Israel Katz hits back at Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan who boasted …

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