Category: Middle East

STATEMENT About demilitarization of Western Armenia and Cilicia and the withdrawal of the occupying troops of the Republic of Turkey from these territories, 22.11.2018

STATEMENT About demilitarization of Western Armenia and Cilicia and the withdrawal of the occupying troops of the Republic of Turkey from these territories, 22.11.2018 (Shortened version)  To the United Nations Secretary-General Mr. Antonio Guterres  STATEMENT About demilitarization of Western Armenia and Cilicia and the withdrawal of the occupying troops of the Republic of Turkey from …

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Theodore Roosevelt, 26e président des États-Unis d’Amérique, 1901-1909.

“Je veux que les Arméniens soient aussi armés qu’ils l’étaient à l’époque de Tigrane le Grand. Une génération plus tard, personne d’autre nesera prétendre que les Arméniens sont incapables de se défendre”։ 26e président des États-Unis d’Amérique Theodore Roosevelt, 1901-1909. Please follow and like us:

Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States of America, 1901-1909.

“I want Armenians to be as armed as they were during the time of Tigran the Great. A generation later, no one else will dare to claim that Armenians are incapable of self-defense”։ 26th President of the United States of America Theodore Roosevelt, 1901-1909. Please follow and like us:

Security Council UN Condemns Destruction, Smuggling of Cultural Heritage by Terrorist Groups, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2347 (2017)

(24 March 2017) The Security Council deplored today the unlawful destruction of cultural heritage, religious sites and artefacts, and the smuggling of cultural property by terrorist groups during armed conflict, affirming that such attacks might constitute a war crime and must be brought to justice. Unanimously adopting resolution 2347 (2017), the 15-member Council recalled its …

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The Armenian people does not have any other place for retreat, except his homeland…

(translation from Armenian by “Miaban”)   This is an article, printed in Armenian in «The Testament of Ararat» («Ուխտ Արարատի») in 2012.   Today, Armenia and Armenian people clash closely, face to face with the problems and threats that we wrote about in the editorial section of the «The Testament of Ararat» («Ուխտ Արարատի») edition, …

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Concerning Military Activities Being Made by the Armed Forces of the Republic of Turkey in Afrin – So, By What Right These Army Troops Are Being There?

Whatever are the arguments and justifications put forward by the Turkish side regarding the self-proclaimed intentions and objectives of military operations in northern territories of the Syrian Arab Republic, allegedly `for the sake of combating terrorist groups` or `for the sake of creating a security zone`, one thing is obvious: a frankly forceful political decision …

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Opération militaire de l’armée turque à Afrin (Syrie). De quel droit cette armée se trouve-t-elle là?

Indépendamment des motifs et justifications de la Turquie concernant son action militaire au nord de la République souveraine arabe syrienne – opérations nommées dans un premier temps «Bouclier de l’Euphrate» et à présent «La Branche d’olivier» – présentées par la Turquie en tant que «lutte contre les groupuscules et organisations terroristes» ou encore au motif …

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Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri’nin Afrin’deki askeri harekatı hakkında. Peki hangi haklarla o silahlı kuvvetler orada bulunuyor?

Türk tarafının ileri sürdüğü gerekçeler ve haklılıklar neler olursa olsun, daha önce Suriye Arap Cumhuriyeti’in kuzey sınırlarında ”Fırat Kalkanı,” şimdi de ”Zeytin Dalı” harekatıyla Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri’nin kendi kendini davet eden askeri oprasyonlarının amaçları hakkinda, sözde ”terörist gruplarla mücadele” veya ”güvenlik bölge oluşturması” gibi aynı şekildeki sahte gerekçeler ileri sürülüyor. Her ne olursa olsun, bir …

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Armen Ter-Sarkisyan: «New Trends and Realities in «The Large Middle East Program»: Kurdish Referendum in Iraq and the Armenian Question»

The so-called political program of the West «Greater Middle East» has been used for almost 30 years. Publications, maps and articles on this issue provide an opportunity to get an idea that in the course of implementing this program, in future, the fragmentation of existing states in the region and the emergence of new national, …

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Armen Ter-Sarkissyan: «Nouvelles visions et réalités du programme «Le Grand Moyen Orient: le référendum kurde en Irak et la Question Arménienne»

Le programme politique occidental  concernant «Un Grand Proche Orient» existe depuis près de trente ans. Les publications, cartes géographiques et articles à ce sujet permettent d’imaginer à quelles perspectives conduit ce programme: fractionnement des Etats existants, apparition de nouvelles entités gouvernementales, nationales et religieuses. Bien entendu, parallèlement, on parle beaucoup des droits des peuples autochtones …

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