Category: Publications

إعلان انتخابات نواب الجمعية الوطنية (البرلمان) في أرمينيا الغربية

إعلان انتخابات نواب الجمعية الوطنية (البرلمان) في أرمينيا الغربية إعلان انتخابات نواب الجمعية الوطنية (البرلمان) في أرمينيا الغربية ايها المواطنون الاعزاء! ندعوكم للمشاركة في انتخابات نواب الجمعية الوطنية (البرلمان) في أرمينيا الغربية ، الجمعية الثانية ، التي ستتم ، عن طريق الوسائل الإلكترونية على الإنترنت على العنوان التالي: بين 1 سبتمبر 2018 00.01 ساعة و …

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DECLARATION Déroulement des élections des députés de l’Assemblée Nationale (Parlement) d’Arménie Occidentale

DECLARATION Déroulement des élections des députés de l’Assemblée Nationale (Parlement) d’Arménie Occidentale Chers compatriotes! Nous vous invitons à participer aux élections des députés de l’Assemblée Nationale (Parlement) d’Arménie Occidentale, 2e Assemblée, qui auront lieu, par voie électronique Internet à l’adresse suivante: , entre le 1er septembre 2018 00.01 heure et le 5 septembre 2018 …

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BİLDİRİ Batı Ermenistan Ulusal Meclisi (Parlemento) ikinci dönem milletvekilleri seçimlerinin yapılması üzerine

BİLDİRİ Batı Ermenistan Ulusal Meclisi (Parlemento) ikinci dönem milletvekilleri seçimlerinin yapılması üzerine Sevgili yurttaşlar Sizi, Batı Ermenistan Ulusal Meclisi (Parlamento) ikinci dönem için yapılacak milletvekili seçimine katılmaya davet ediyoruz. Seçim internet vasıtasıyla 1 Eylül 2018 saat 00-01 ile 5 Eylül 2018 satt 24:00 (Erivan vaktıyla) arasında adresinde yapılacak. Birleşmiş Milletler İnsan Hakları Evrensel Bildirgesi …

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Кısa bilgi Ermenistan Cumhuriyeti’nin yasal ve siyasal temellerinin oluşması hakkında

Batı Ermenistan’ın devlet olarak yeniden doğuş gerçekliği düşüncesi, 1990’ların başında Dağlık Karabağ (Artsakh) savuncuları arasında ortaya çıktı.Yeniden doğuş ve inşa fikrinin temel savuncularından biri, Kurtuluş Ordusu kuruculardan Leonid Azgaldyan’dı (23.11.1942 Tiflis, 21.06.1992 Martakert). Bu fikir savaştan önce yurtsever ve siyasi olmayan derneklerin üyeleri olan özürlük savaşçıları ve aydınlar tarafından benimsendi. Batı Ermenistan Cumhuriyeti’nin devlet olarak …

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Bref aperçu des bases juridiquesqui ont contribué à l’émergence d’une République Arménie Occidentale (Arménie)

L’idée d’une reconstitution de l’Arménie Occidentale en tant qu’Etat a émergé au début des années 90 dans le groupe des défenseurs de l’Artsakh. L’un des principaux inspirateurs de ce courant d’éveil et de renaissance a été le fondateur de l’Armée de Libération Léonid Azgaldyan (23.11.1942 Tiflis – 21.06.1992 Martakert). Des combattants etdes membres de l’intelligentsia, …

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Brief information on the legal basis for the formation of the Republic of Western Armenia (Armenia)

The idea of the reality of the re-creation of Western Armenia as a state arose in the early 1990s, in the ranks of the defenders of Artsakh. One of the main inspirers of the idea of the revival was the founder of the Liberation Army Leonid Azgaldyan (23.11.1942 Tiflis – 21.06.1992 Martakert). The idea found …

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Ernest Grigoryan: “Step to Weakening the Security of Armenia”

December 1, 2017 Lousavor Avedis English 0 30 – 11 – 2017 – As you know, in Brussels, the Armenia-EU framework agreement was signed, which contains issues of security, economy and foreign policy realities. The signing of the agreement with the European Union is presented as another achievement of Armenian diplomacy. Apparently, the diplomats were distracted from their …

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The Armenian highlands, the historic homeland of the Armenians

October 31, 2017 Lousavor Avedis English 0 September 18, 2017 – Vigen Avetisyan Each nation is geographically tied to some piece of a land. As for Armenians, they have two homelands – one historical and one inherited from political injustice. Today, the latter’s area is equal to the area of the modern Kiev region. The historical homeland of the Armenians …

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Stanislav Tarassov: «L’organisation du référendum concernant l’indépendance du Kurdistan irakien est incertaine»

A la veille du référendum concernant l’indépendance du Kurdistan irakien prévu le 25 septembre, la capitale de cette région non encore indépendante est devenue « la Mecque politique » du Proche Orient. De nombreuses délégations étrangères se rendent à Erbil pour discuter avec les dirigeants locaux des perspectives du développement de la situation non seulement en Irak …

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Russian-Turkish relations can be improved when the Republic of Armenia border the Armenia  

———————– The settlement of regional problems can become a reality only after the Republic of Armenia become contiguous to Western Armenia Republic (Armenia State) ———————— In recent decades, along with the development of the events in Middle East, the comments are often made on the formation of an independent Kurdistan state. Moreover, every time, mostly …

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