Lemkin Institute: Türkiye has never recognized the Armenian Genocide and continues its pan-Turkic agenda in the Caucasus, 11:57, 03/28/2024

Turkey has never recognized the Armenian Genocide and continues to implement its pan-Turkist agenda in the South Caucasus without encountering opposition from the international community. Elisa von Joden-Forgie, executive director of the Lemkin Institute for the Prevention of Genocide, stated this at the conference “Armenia as a Crossroads of Civilization: Historical and Cultural Connections” on March 28.

She noted that the history of the Armenian people is very closely connected with the history of genocide and its prevention.

The expert recalled that Armenians are the first people to survive modern genocide. “The work of Raphael Lemkin and the creation of the term “genocide” are based on the events that happened to the Armenians at the beginning of the 20th century. At the same time, Armenians were forced to fight for 100 years for recognition of the Armenian Genocide,” she noted.

In her assessment, the world order created after World War II is collapsing, and a new period of imperialism is emerging. What is happening in the Caucasus and Central Asia reminds the expert of the events of the 19th century, when the principle of “divide and conquer” was in effect.

According to her, against this background, Armenia is not acting against Russia or the West, but is following a third path, striving to become a crossroads of civilizations. “Armenians are one of the oldest civilizations, they know how to balance the environment around them. Armenia is one of those countries that is trying to counteract negative changes in the world,” concluded Elise von Joden-Forgy.

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