What is the idea of ​​revolutionary power over the Prime Minister’s resolution, or is the philosophy of compromise a threat?

January of this year was exceptional in Baku for the Armenian authorities’ attitude to the fact of the Armenian Genocide in Baku from 11-19 1990. January 13 visit of the Armenian top leadership to the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex, followed by a special session of the Inter-Parliamentary Committee of the Armenian National Assembly on January 18 and a January 19 memorial service in St. Gayane Monastery in Echmiadzin.

And today the January 29-30 meeting in Geneva, which was on the eve of the elections in Artsakh, has become a unique means of manipulation. The content of the exploitation is so dangerous that it exclusively and openly serves pro-Turkish approaches. It is understood that agents of Turkish and other foreign forces are mobilizing the entire satellite field of the authorities against the Armenian statehood.

Today there is absolute chaos in the heads of the satellites of the previous authorities. During the last 28 years of meetings and negotiations on the principles, elements and approaches of various names, before and after them, lands have been given every day, every day, colliding with the whims of the Caspian West, and today the whole certainty of their willingness to give up their land is in doubt. and present, and not only.

Yes, every day and every moment they have given up the genocide, and today the Armenians have found themselves in a “status quo” or that is the same in a big negotiating hole, with their feet constrained by different principles and elements. Great concentration and strain of potential is required for Armenians to overcome this hole.

The homeland and its future are of paramount value. It is this that exacerbates the alertness of the Armenians and forces them to be consistent in observing the steps of the authorities.

It is obvious that the philosophy of compromise was dictated by external governance in the field of political corruption. The philosophy of compromise has been put into circulation by all those standing near and far from the former and present authorities who exclusively live and work in that very corruption field. People and groups who for the past thirty years have shamelessly dismissed the issue of the political rights of Armenian refugees from the Azerbaijani SSR from the Soviet Union, the fact of the genocide perpetrated against them by Azerbaijan in 1987-1992, and their status as the rights holder of the Liberated Territories, instead of addressing the issue. The political and legal assessment of the Caspian regime and its actions in the Caspian West, to this day, continues to fill the water with pro-Turkish negotiations. The miller of the procession, compromising the existence of the Armenian statehood.

And the tendency to put the philosophy of compromise back into circulation contradicts the content of the January 25 press conference in Kapan, affirming the Madrid principles rejected by the five candidates for the prime minister and the Artsakh president in the negotiation field.

The philosophy of compromise serves the plans of Pan-Turkism, indulging in arbitrary regimes in the Caspian West to continue the impunity of the Armenian Genocide and the annihilation of indigenous, state-controlled peoples under its control.

The prime minister’s resolution that the outcome of the talks should be acceptable to the people of Armenia, the Armenians of Artsakh and Azerbaijan is also being targeted at these days. We have voiced our explanation of this formula many times, including here https://www.lragir.am/2019/12/17/502912/ expecting the reaction of the incumbent authorities to what extent our perceptions of this resolution coincide with their own. And no reaction.

The Forum of Refugees from the Azerbaijani SSR has been saying for over ten years that the state regime in the Caspian West for the last hundred years, as a tool for implementing pan-Turkism programs in this region, endangers the peace and harmony of the region, as well as the vitality of the Armenian Genocide , and not only. Since its inception, this state regime has succeeded in the genocide of the Armenians and their emancipation in the territories of their own free will, and continues to assimilate and exterminate indigenous, stateless peoples there. And the superpowers in the region cynically sacrifice their fates, as well as the security of the Armenians, for their oil and gas interests.

For the sake of the viability of the Armenians and ensuring the security and peace of the region, the protection of the rights, identity and development of indigenous, stateless peoples of the Caspian West is possible, which is possible only in the new state-legal unity, where there is no place for pan-Turkism promoting humanism and genocide. And for the protection of the interests and rights of these peoples, the negotiation process should be used.

We are constantly voicing this demand in the field of public diplomacy. It seems that today it should have been reflected in the state diplomatic arena, such as, for example, an MP, if, of course, our perceptions of the Prime Minister’s resolution coincide with those of the revolutionary authorities. And if not, then we must be aware of them.

Mariam Avagyan, coordinator of the Forum of refugees from the Azerbaijani SSR

Lragir.am, 14:03 12.04.2020

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