About Govermet of Western Armenia (Armenia)

Since the Armenian Issue (Question) initiation (1878) and the period after the Genocide of the Armenians (1894-1923) the new agenda (national program) for the final settlement of the Armenian Issue has not been formed, with the exception of the Newest armed liberation struggle and activity program during 1973-1985 period. Instead, Armenians abroad put on their agenda the discussions on the formation of local communities, the Genocide of the Armenians recognition and the issues related to the future of Soviet Socialist Republic of Armenia. The revival and the development of Soviet Socialist Republic of Armenia, the issues of repatriation were on the Soviet Republic of Armenia’s agenda. The issues of Armenians of Artsakh, Artsakh and Republic of Armenia’s security, aggression prevention and blockade reduction, selfdetermination, freedom and the establishment of independence and maintenance were on the Republic of Armenia’s agenda.

And as in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, Armenian social and political thought, in general, was not ready for the impending reality of Armenia’s independence, so today he is not ready to irreversible impending reality of the Western Armenia’s (including Cilicia) independence.

Today, however, we tend to believe that the ultimate resolution of the Armenian Issue’s new agenda is being formed during 2004-2014 period, when on December 17th, 2004, in Shushi (Artsakh, Karabagh) the National Council of Armenians from Western Armenia was established. On the same day a Declaration on the Right to Self-Determination of the Armenians of Western Armenia has been adopted and in 2007 the Armenians of Western Armenia as an indigenous people, asserted their right to self determination.

On February 4, 2011 the beginning of the process of formation of the Government-inExile of Western Armenia was announced (now – the Government of the State of Western Armenia). In November 2013, through direct elections via Internet, the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia was formed, whose deputies at the first session of the Parliament on January 20, 2014, in Paris, elected the President of Western Armenia.

There should be a special mention about the activities carried out since 2006 within the framework of National Council of Western Armenia UN Expert Mechanism on Indigenous peoples, and the establishment of Public Institutions of Western Armenia for preservation of the existence and identity of the Armenian people. This forms the basis of the legal and political system of the State of Western Armenia, which also implements the whole process of protecting the rights of Armenians of Western Armenia.

Thus, it is visible that the new agenda on the regulation of the Armenian Issue and the issue of protecting the rights of Armenians of Western Armenia is closely related to two main questions:

a/ The protection of rights of Armenians of Western Armenia towards Western Armenia, more strictly the protection of the rights of Armenians in Armenia, and

b/ The formation of the State system of Western Armenia (Armenia).

This collection, in our opinion, presents the final settlement of the Armenian Issue, the protection of rights of Armenians of Western Armenia, as well as the key set of core section on legal and political documents for protection of Armenians rights towards Armenia, which forms part of the declarations and decrees, resolutions and statements

Tigran Pashabezyan




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