Category: Structer

What is the idea of ​​revolutionary power over the Prime Minister’s resolution, or is the philosophy of compromise a threat?

January of this year was exceptional in Baku for the Armenian authorities’ attitude to the fact of the Armenian Genocide in Baku from 11-19 1990. January 13 visit of the Armenian top leadership to the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex, followed by a special session of the Inter-Parliamentary Committee of the Armenian National Assembly on January 18 …

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About Govermet of Western Armenia (Armenia)

Since the Armenian Issue (Question) initiation (1878) and the period after the Genocide of the Armenians (1894-1923) the new agenda (national program) for the final settlement of the Armenian Issue has not been formed, with the exception of the Newest armed liberation struggle and activity program during 1973-1985 period. Instead, Armenians abroad put on their …

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