Category: Publications

De la nécessité de parvenir à une conception commune de la reconnaissance et de la condamnation du Génocide des arméniens et ses compensations, 24.04.2020

Ce 105e anniversaire de mémoire et d’office des morts pour le victimes du Génocide des arméniens montre nos manquements concernant les questions de la reconnaissance, la condamnation du Génocide des arméniens et ses compensations. A ce jour le panturkisme, en tant que théorie de la xénophobie, de l’intolérance et du racisme, n’est pas jugé; il …

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On the need to accept one general concept on the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian genocide and compensation for damage, 24.04.2020

By the 105th anniversary of the memory and commemoration of the victims of the Armenian Genocide, we showed our omissions in the issue of recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide and compensation for damage for it. Up to this day, pan-Turkism has not been condemned as a theory of xenophobia, intolerance and racism, there …

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Ermeni Soykırımı’nın tanınması, kınanması ve tazminat konusunda ortak bir kavramı benimseme ihtiyaçi, 24.04.2020

Ermeni Soykırımı kurbanları anısının olağan 105. yıldönümü vesilesiyle, Ermeni Soykırımı’nı tanıma, kınama ve telafi etme konusundaki ortak eksikliklerimiz tamamen ortaya çıkıyor. Pan-türkizm bugüne kadar yabancı düşmanlığı, yabancı inkarlığı, ırkçılık kavramı olarak kınanmamış ve Ermeni Soykırımı’nın tüm dönemi boyunca ortak bir görüş benimsenmemiştir. Soykırımı uygulayan iki taraf Ermenilere karşı aynı soykırım eylemlerinin tarafları olarak tanımlanmamış ve …

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«Make a step and help your compatriots in Armenia and Artsakh!»

CALL to the Armenian World Diaspora on aid to Armenia and Artsakh in connection with the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. Nominee of the Nobel Prize in Economics and the Nobel Peace Prize 2020, Academician Martik Y. GASPARYAN and Author of the research «Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of Armenia», Academician of RANS (Russian Academy of Natural Sciences), …

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«Machen Sie den Schritt und helfen Sie Ihren Landsleuten in Armenien und Artsakh!»

A U F R U F An die armenischen Diasporas für die Hilfe an Armenien und Artsakh (Karabakh) wegen der Pandemie Coronavirus COVID-19 vom Nobelpreisnominierten Wissenschaftler für die Wirtschaft und den Frieden 2020, Akademiker, Martik Y. GASPARYAN und Autor der Erforschung der «Strategie der sozial-wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung von Armenien», Akademiker der Russischen Akademie der Naturwissenschaften, Doktor …

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«Faites un geste, aidez vos compatriotes d’Arménie et d’Artsakh!»

  APPEL URGENT A L’AIDE à la Diaspora arménienne du monde entire en raison de la pandémie du coronavirus COVID-19 de Martik GASPARYAN académicien, nominé pour le Prix Nobel d’économie et le prix Nobel de la Paix 2020 et  d’Artachès MIKAELYAN auteur de recherches «Pour une stratégie du développement socio-économique de l’Arménie», membre de l’Académie …

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To save the world today is to preserve the Armenian civilization!

Appeal of the Nobel Prize Nominee in Economics and the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Academician Martik GASPARYAN and Academician Levon BEKLARYAN, co-author of the research «The Armenian Highlands – the cradle of the creation of the world and civilization, the heir and keeper of universal values and relics», noted in the nomination of the Nobel …

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To save the world today is to preserve the Armenian civilization!

Appeal of the Nobel Prize Nominee in Economics and the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Academician Martik GASPARYAN and Academician Levon BEKLARYAN, co-author of the research «The Armenian Highlands – the cradle of the creation of the world and civilization, the heir and keeper of universal values and relics», noted in the nomination of the Nobel …

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Open Appeal to the UN On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the crimes of genocide committed by Azerbaijan against Armenians in the city Shushi (Artsakh, Nagorno Karabagh)

These days of March, 100 years ago, in the cultural capital of the millennium-old Armenian Artsakh (Karabagh) Azerbaijan with the direct support of Turkey had committed the crimes of genocide. Many thousands of peaceful Armenians were brutally killed, the entire Armenian population was forced to leave their homes and households forever – no one out …

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BM’ye Açık Mektup/Başvuru Şuşı’da (Artsakh, Dağlık Karabağ) Azerbaycan’ın Ermeni Soykırımı Suçunun 100. Yıldönümü vesilesiyle BM’ye Açık Mektup/Başvuru

Bundan 100 yıl önce, Mart Ayı’nın şu günlerinde, Türkiye’nin doğrudan desteğiyle Azerbaycan, Artsakh’ın (Dağlık Karabağ) binyıllık kültür başkenti Şuşı’da soykırım suçu işledi. Binlerce huzurlu Ermeni vahşice öldürüldü ve hayatta kalan Ermeni nüfusu evlerini ve işlerini terk etmek zorunda kaldılar. Ermeni kentinde on binlerce Ermeni’den hiçbiri kalmadı. Bir antik kent barbarlar tarafından yok edildi ve bir …

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