Category: Publications

De la délimitation et de la démarcation de la frontière entre l’Arménie et l’Azerbaïdjan, 26.10.2021 

Rappel de l’Adresse de la République Arménie Occidentale (Arménie) à l’ONU et aux dirigeants des Etats, membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU, du 7 août 2019, concernant la démarcation de la frontière entre l’Etat Arménie et la République Azerbaïdjan sur laquelle il est absolument indispensable de se baser pendant le processus des pourparlers …

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On the delimitation and demarcation of the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, 26.10.2021 

A reminder of the Appeal of the Republic of Western Armenia (Armenia) to the UN and to the Heads of the States – Permanent Members of the UN Security Council, of August 7, 2019, on  demarcation of the border between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, that must be strictly referred to …

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On conceptual ways out of the current situation created around Armenia, and the subject of negotiations with states and international structures, June 26, 2024

            1. The question of establishing a stable world in the Greater Middle East. The way to the establishment of a stable peace in the Greater Middle East is the realization of the rights of Armenians and Kurds, as well as the rights of Palestinians at the present time in …

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The way out of the current situation inside and around Armenia is the creation of a national state, May 9, 2024

    The solution to the current situation, both inside and around Armenia, is the establishment of a national state in accordance with Armenian national, state, and civilizational values and standards. A state that – will make a civilized decision regarding the organization of the Armenian people’s national defense, primarily to stop the ongoing Armenian …

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يان صحفي بشأن التعويض عن الخسائر المادية التي لحقت بالشعب الأرمني 

يان صحفي بشأن التعويض عن الخسائر المادية التي لحقت بالشعب الأرمني Please follow and like us:

PRESS RELEASE Statement to the UN On compensation of material losses suffered by the Armenian people

PRESS RELEASE Statement to the UN On compensation of material losses suffered by the Armenian people Please follow and like us:

À l’ONU – DECLARATION. «De la réparation des pertes matérielles subies par le peuple arménien pendant les années de la Première Guerre Mondiale», 25 septembre 2022

à l’intention du Secrétaire Général de l’0rganisation des Nations Unies  Monsieur Antoine Güterriez aux Chefs d’Etats membres permanents du Conseil de Sécurité de l’Organisation des Nations Unies D E C L A R A T I O N De l’indemnisation des pertes matérielles subies par le peuple arménien pendant la Première Guerre Mondiale  Nous nous adressons à …

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STATEMENT to the UN: “On compensation for material losses suffered by the Armenian people during the First World War”, September 25, 2022

To the United Nations Secretary-General  Mr. Antonio Guterres To Heads of States Permanent Members  of the United Nations Security Council S T A T E M E N T On compensation of material losses suffered by the Armenian people during the First World War We appeal to you to examine and implement the compensation process of …

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On the Illegitimacy of Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan (Regarding Threats and Challenges to the Armenian People and Armenia Resulting from the Activities of Nikol Pashinyan and His Government), April 4, 2024

External actors, along with their internal accomplices, who undermined the management system of the Defense Forces of Artsakh and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia during the last days of the     44-day war, maintained Nikol Pashinyan’s status as Prime Minister of Armenia during the 2021 elections to secure a convenient executor for dismantling the …

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DECLARATION de l’Etat Arménie (République Arménie Occidentale) devant les menaces et défis actuels et perspectives pour un futur dialogue entre les civilisations, les cultures et les religions, 31 маrs 2024

Aujourd’hui nous constatons, sur l’ensemble de la Planète Terre,  l’entière déconstruction des accords de Yalta qui établissaient de nouveaux rapports à la suite de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale dûe à l’action des adeptes du paradigme parasitaire. Puisque la paix de Yalta n’est plus, les fondements sur lesquels s’appuie le monde d’aujourd’hui et de demain sont les …

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