Category: Armenian Question

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On How To Avert War In Armenia, 29 Dec. 2023

The first genocide of the modern era was the murder of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman Turkey during WWI. Today, the ethnic cleansing of Armenians continues in Artsakh, a historic Christian Armenian homeland gerrymandered by Soviet Russia as an autonomous region within Soviet Azerbaijan. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Artsakh legally declared and …

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These are testing times for Armenian-Israeli relations․ By Grigor Hovhannissian is Armenia’s former Ambassador to the United States and Deputy Foreign Minister, July 3, 2024

Armenia’s recognition of Palestine was not anti-Israel – opinion. These are testing times for Armenian-Israeli relations, but we should navigate these rough waters to harness our many shared assets. By Grigor Hovhannissian is Armenia’s former Ambassador to the United States and Deputy Foreign Minister, July 3, 2024 Protesters gather near the government building, after Azerbaijan …

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Israel must recognize the Armenian Genocide now more than ever – comment․ By TAMAR URIEL-BEERI, JUNE 28, 2024

Israel must recognize the Armenian Genocide now more than ever – comment․ The Broad Perspective: If Israel wants to be recognized on the international stage as a voice of sanity and of legitimate morality, it must put the ego aside and recognize the Armenian Genocide. By TAMAR URIEL-BEERI, JUNE 28, 2024 10:31 This week, Armenia …

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Armenia’s recognition of Palestine was not anti-Israel – opinion. These are testing times for Armenian-Israeli relations, but we should navigate these rough waters to harness our many shared assets. By Grigor Hovhannissian is Armenia’s former Ambassador to the United States and Deputy Foreign Minister, July 3, 2024

Last week, Armenia became the 145th country to recognize the state of Palestine – even as Israel continues its difficult fight against Hamas in Gaza. Last year, Armenians suffered a terrible ethnic cleansing at the hands of Azerbaijan, which was armed to a significant degree by Israel. You’d think the two nations are at odds …

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De la délimitation et de la démarcation de la frontière entre l’Arménie et l’Azerbaïdjan, 26.10.2021 

Rappel de l’Adresse de la République Arménie Occidentale (Arménie) à l’ONU et aux dirigeants des Etats, membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU, du 7 août 2019, concernant la démarcation de la frontière entre l’Etat Arménie et la République Azerbaïdjan sur laquelle il est absolument indispensable de se baser pendant le processus des pourparlers …

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On the delimitation and demarcation of the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, 26.10.2021 

A reminder of the Appeal of the Republic of Western Armenia (Armenia) to the UN and to the Heads of the States – Permanent Members of the UN Security Council, of August 7, 2019, on  demarcation of the border between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, that must be strictly referred to …

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On conceptual ways out of the current situation created around Armenia, and the subject of negotiations with states and international structures, June 26, 2024

            1. The question of establishing a stable world in the Greater Middle East. The way to the establishment of a stable peace in the Greater Middle East is the realization of the rights of Armenians and Kurds, as well as the rights of Palestinians at the present time in …

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Lemkin Institute calls on UN to withdraw support for Azerbaijan as COP29 host, 11:04, 06.06.2024

The Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention issued a statement calling on the United Nations to withdraw support for Azerbaijan as host of COP29. “Azerbaijan is a genocidal state run by a president who routinely expresses genocidal ideology towards Armenians, including referring to them as dogs, jackals, and terrorists. Azerbaijan is currently illegally detaining an estimated 300 Armenia[n]s …

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Henry Theriault։ The compensation of Turkey for the wealth stolen from Armenians will be the salvation of Armenia, May 1, 2024

Henry Theriault, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs at Worcester State University, President of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, believes that the only leverage that Armenia has now is the moral agenda of the Armenian Issue. “Armenia should make this a red thread in all international courts, in all international political platforms, in academic …

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Statement Condemning Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s Cryptic Engagement with Genocide Denial, May 10, 2024

In the wake of the Artsakh genocide, the Lemkin Institute remains committed to engaging in active prevention work in the South Caucasus while advocating for justice and accountability. While we do not generally involve ourselves in domestic affairs of states unless there is an internal threat of genocide, we must address concerns stemming from recent …

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